Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Meat Meat Glorious Meat!

Oh maybe that's just what my family thinks. We are grand meat-eaters and with my mom being basically a scientist of meat, we eat our fair share of good and... questionable meat. We found a few common things though. Almost any meat can be made to perfection. I think the only meat I've had that I haven't liked was Emu and Kangaroo but let's stay close to home for this one. Sheep. Lamb is the name for the meat from sheep. There are a many different cuts and many different ways to cook them. Here's a couple. Square Shoulder is a large cut from the lambs' shoulder that is best cooked when it is roasted. A blade chop and an arm chop are also from the shoulder but has much more versatility seeing they can be broiled, pan-broiled and pan fried.  The shoulders tend to be the tougher meat. Cheaper but often not the tastiest. Rib roast is, as the name implies, from the rib and best when roasted. Leg of Lamb is probably the most well know and is the absolute best when roasted. I know my family always has this cut with a turkey on Thanksgiving. Now for the best cut of all, at least in my eyes. The loin chops. They come from the loin (lower back) and will be your juiciest, tastiest and leanest meat cut. They are also the most expensive but trust me, its worth it. Check in tomorrow and I'll have some great recipes for you to try!!

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