6:19 am-Alarm goes off (No it couldn't be 6:20 that would just be too normal for me)
6:31 am- Finally get the energy to get up
7am- I'm usually out of the shower and looking half decent ready for the day
7-7:30- finishing touches along with helping mis milk replacer for bottle lambs and helping mom if there was a bad night lambing.
7:33- Back inside to change clothes now that milk and probably afterbirth is all over me. sigh
7:37- start the daily commute. On average my drive takes about 35-40 minutes to get to school this doesn't include picking up my dear friend Michael in Clive.
8:27-3:30- School school school. yet another sigh.
4-6- Volunteer at the hospital, talking to the elderly, making meals, delivering water, etc etc
6-6:35- Drive home if there isn't any other things to do like groceries or trying to maintain a social life.
6:40- Homework homework homework. Tonight? Physics 20. Anyone want to try and explain to me about centripetal motion? This can take up to two hours if I'm having a bad night.
7:30 ish- supper? nope. chores. Feed the dogs. Bottle lambs, mix milk replacer again. feed ewes in the barns hay, water, barley. Check ewes in pasture to make sure that no one else is lambing or try and help if they are.
8- Supper finally! yay!! wanna guess what it will be? Probably something with lamb at the very least. Instead of beef hamburger we use lamb burger for everything! Check the blog later on for awesome recipes!
Yeah I know it doesn't seem so exciting. That's my life though. And no matter what it is... I love it. It's busy and hectic and yeah I don't go through a day without getting poop or some other sheep's bodily fluid on my clothes but I wouldn't change a thing. Maybe just slow down time for more sleep. I've learned so much from this life and so much of that is from living on a farm and learning that my family, my friends and my farm are the most important things to me.
Are you a farm kid? Is it worth all the long weekends staying home to work? Are you a town kid? Do you envy farm kids? Do you know what its like to be stressed to the max? Do you think you could handle living on a farm too? Have you ever been at another persons' farm and realize how much time it takes? What have you learnt from your farm experiences?