So I'm sure as you all know it has been raining. Lots of raining... And with that rain comes clouds. This is the reason for th lapse in blogs that I have been writing. See because we are in the country... ok so far out in the country we need to use satellite internet. This is at least better than dial-up! Since there is so many clouds our satellite dish couldn't send or receive the signals thus leaving us internetless.
This isn't the only thing the rain can affect. The poor little babies outside are feeling the rain and cold too. We have gone through a fair amount of blankets and antibiotics the last few days. Sheep get water logged. Their wool absorbs all the water it can and it stays for a long time. This water can get kind of cold in the wind that has been whipping around. When sheep get cold they get sick, and not just a common cold but pneumonia or other harsh lung infections or diseases. So this is when we have to bring all the sheep inside and try and treat all the sick sheep before they get too sick. This is when we use Penicillin or Oxytretracycaline (both antibiotics) to fight off any bacteria that may be housed up in the sheeps' lungs. Again this is another controversial method. Organic farmers can't use antibiotics to treat these diseases. I just feel sorry for the sheep who get sick and their farmers can't help them with science.