Saturday, May 21, 2011

Poo Poo and more Poo

Today is a special 4h activity on my farm. A fundraiser, a skill developer, and team building exercise of sorts. Judging by the title of this blog you may believe that this sounds like a "shitty" day (pun intended not meant for offense). This year not only did my club participate in highway clean up but we are working on selling 20L pails of genuine, high quality sheep manure. Now don't think that this is a job were we walk around following our sheep hoping to stuff a bucket under them hoping for a fresh excretion. No, no, no... This is old poo. 3-4 years old is ideal. after turning the fertilizer (the poo) and making sure that no sticks or twigs get in we are packaging them up to sell to local farmers and urban gardeners alike.
"Sheep manure is low in nitrogen – compared to other animal manures – so it won’t burn your plants. Plus, it’s a natural slow-release fertiliser and this is part of the versatility of using it as a mulch. I usually pour it on to about a depth of 50mm (2″) ensuring that it doesn’t touch the plant’s stem."- From
If you are interested in buying some manure from our club ($10/bucket or 3 buckets for $25) please contact me or send me a personal message here on the blog for more information. 


Susan said...

What a great idea. If I didn't live so far away (800 km??) I would buy some. Great website Maryellen. Say hi to your Mom, from an "old" friend in Prince George

Maryellen Gibson said...

Wow thanks Susan! Sheep manure sure does work good. Goodness knows we have a lot of it around here! Feel free to become a followers too then you can get even more updates from on this blog.

Grandma said...

Have used it in both flower and vegetable garden found it easy to mix in with good results.ninert

Maryellen Gibson said...

That's great to hear. We have been selling it quite well. Its good to hear that it does work for people.

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